Nourish with the Guidance
of the Moon

Your complete guide to understanding the phases of your menstrual cycle and how you can use the power of the moon for guidance.

This self-paced, online program contains six videos & a PDF workbook with 37+ pages of content to guide you through mastering your cycles and hormones naturally.

This program contains $250 worth of materials BUT you can get access to it all for FREE!

What you'll gain:

  • An understanding of what is happening in your body during the different phases of your menstrual cycle.
  • How to use the moon to guide you through your menstrual cycle.
  • Knowledge of working with the Moon Goddess Archetypes.
  • Begin recognizing the problematic signs your body is telling you and have practices you can use to address your hormonal imbalances right away.
  • Nutrition recommendations for each phase.
  • Movement recommendations for each phase.
  • Lifestyle recommendations for each phase.
  • Meal ideas for each phase.
  • Tools & guides to help you master tracking your menstrual cycle.

Stop living with painful cycles.

let me guide you to live in harmony with your cycle rather than fighting with it every month.

See what my clients are saying:

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